Sunday, March 20, 2011

Personal: Why blog?

Third time's a charm! I've started two blogs in the past, one deleted for personal reasons, the other because I simply did not keep up with it. So, here I am with the start of my third blog. I've started one for a few reasons:
1: To write! I miss writing but guess what? Writing is not my strong point and I really need to work on this both personally and professionally.

2: To share! Personal hobbies, things happening in my community and kitchen successes. I have a new found passion to bake & cook!

3: To learn! My career is ever-changing as are most. There are so many different techniques, theories and mistakes that happen everyday, so why not apply them to my own career?

4: To celebrate! Celebrate what? Everything! Simple life moments, not-so-happy moments, career moments and so on and so forth.

5: To inspire through creativity! Everyday I am challenged to be creative. Most of the time it's fun, but just like everyone else I hit roadblocks. I hope I can look back on some of the things I create when I run across these.

6: To be accountable! For the most part, when I say I am going to do something, I do it. However, as of late, I seem to have gotten 'off track' and slacking in a few areas of my life. I will blog at least (if not more) once a week.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing in my blogging adventure!

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